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Timothy J. Pagliara's Blog

Three Tips to Grow as Leader by Embracing Conflicts

Three Tips to Grow as Leader by Embracing Conflicts

Emotional Intelligence is a book authored by Daniel Goleman. He has brought out four major components of emotional intelligence: kind, gentle, self and social recognition, and self-management. Notably, many people have equated emotional intelligence with these four...

Avoid These Investment Mistakes

Avoid These Investment Mistakes

Investing can make or break you financially. In the beginning, most investors are hopeful. Many believe that their savvy investment decisions are superior, and that they will become wealthy in a relatively short period of time. Unfortunately, it's not that easy. There...

Negotiating Tips You Can Use

Negotiating Tips You Can Use

Negotiations are something many people dread. Usually, fear holds people back. They don't want to appear rude, they think they don't have what it takes, or they're afraid of being told no. The flip side is that many things are up for negotiation, from job salaries to...

Three Tips for Eliminating Bias

Three Tips for Eliminating Bias

There are millions of companies and jobseekers all over the world. Some want to leave their workplace in search of greener pastures or as a way to experience change. However, companies that do bad hiring can attest that this is expensive, demoralizing, and more...

Strategizing Your Saving

Strategizing Your Saving

When it comes to saving money, some tips are worth keeping in mind whatever the circumstances. Maintaining a careful budget, for example, is a useful strategy in any economy. So is using cash so that you’re not tempted to overspend with your credit card. There are...

Four Elements of a Good Investment Strategy

Four Elements of a Good Investment Strategy

An investment strategy helps bring order and consistency in the naturally unpredictable world of financial markets. But in order for an investment strategy to be effective, it must have certain elements that help the investor identify profitable opportunities and...

4 Things to Look For When Buying Dividend Stocks

4 Things to Look For When Buying Dividend Stocks

Dividend stocks are a smart addition to one's investment portfolio. Not only do you earn returns on your investment from value appreciation of the stock itself, but you also earn a quarterly dividend yield. Depending on the sector you invest in, you can earn anywhere...

Encouraging Corporate Compliance

Encouraging Corporate Compliance

Encouraging corporate compliance involves more than just setting up a list of rules that you expect your employees to obey. There's a process involved that starts with showing your employees that you take corporate compliance seriously. You'll need to create a system...

Investing in the Next Generation

Investing in the Next Generation

The future can feel scary. With many challenges to confront in an uncertain world, from pandemics to climate change and more, people may wonder what they can do to help. They may look at their children or other young people in their life and feel concern about their...