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There are millions of companies and jobseekers all over the world. Some want to leave their workplace in search of greener pastures or as a way to experience change. However, companies that do bad hiring can attest that this is expensive, demoralizing, and more disruptive. The US department of labor indicated that replacing an employee would translate to about 30% of their first-year earnings. Additionally, the Harvard Business report hinted that 80 percent of turnovers are pegged in a bad hire. Although interviews have been conducted in many places, some companies focus on evaluating new software purchases and marketing campaigns, but they are not keen on their future workforce. In an interview, this is the only platform that companies use to see resumes become human. The interview team should learn and understand a candidate’s values and approach to resolve some challenges. Nearly 2/3 of companies have hinted that poor interview processes are the culprits of wrong hiring. As a company, avoiding some of the setbacks that would lead to bad hires, you must consider some tips to avoid biased decisions during the interview. These practices will make the interview process thorough, objective, fair and effective.

Have a Plan

It is easy for an interviewee to indicate they have specific skills, and your hiring team should not fall for this without evidence. The hiring teams should have strategies and plans to test particular capabilities and the experiences they want. However, to achieve this. Some training is required. Notably, there is no clear way to evaluate problem-solving skills; hence some exercise will help.

Your team should have a toolkit that combines behavioral questions and exercises such as role-plays; hence the candidates will showcase their capabilities, not the mere word of mouth.

Looks Can Be Deceiving Look for Evidence

Hiring a candidate based on their looks could spell doom for the company. As the hiring manager, you should charge your team to collect concrete evidence and avoid being deceived by the looks. Besides, the interview needs to check on competencies and past experiences. Once their report is combined, then this will contribute to an informed decision before hiring.


Although many interviews are conducted in a day, some take weeks to discuss candidates, often after a week or more. Taking too much time before discussing the interview outcomes will be a great opportunity. Your team must find time to debrief after one or two days after the interview, hence preventing the impression from going stale.